Biconomy: Nexus

30,000 USDC
Submission Details
Severity: low

`EIP-712` Compatibility issue in `Nexus.sol`


Lead Judging Commences

0xnevi Lead Judge about 2 months ago
Submission Judgement Published
Reason: Incorrect statement
Assigned finding tags:


Invalid, `bytes32` is not a dynamic value as oppose to `bytes`, since it is exactly 32 bytes long, so the encoding is correct, no issues here that is inconsistent with the `encodeData` definition highlighted in EIP712. > The atomic values are encoded as follows: Boolean false and true are encoded as uint256 values 0 and 1 respectively. Addresses are encoded as uint160. Integer values are sign-extended to 256-bit and encoded in big endian order. bytes1 to bytes31 are arrays with a beginning (index 0) and an end (index length - 1), they are zero-padded at the end to bytes32 and encoded in beginning to end order. This corresponds to their encoding in ABI v1 and v2.



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