Fjord Token Staking

20,000 USDC
Submission Details
Severity: high

Loss of funds for a user due to incorrect state updates while unstaking


Lead Judging Commences

InAllHonesty Lead Judge 26 days ago
Submission Judgement Published
Assigned finding tags:

`unredeemedEpoch` is set to zero due to a false if condition in `unstake` and `_unstakeVested` function

Users that try to unstake tokens from an earlier epoch after they staked in the current epoch will have their ` unredeemedEpoch` set to 0, leading to them being unable to access the newly staked tokens. Impact: High – Tokens are lost Likelihood: Medium – It happens every time a user performs the respective sequence of calls. It’s not always but it’s also not a low likelihood scenario. It’s normal usage of the protocol, that doesn’t necessarily require special conditions.



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