Fjord Token Staking

20,000 USDC
Submission Details
Severity: medium

Allowing users to stake and unstake in thesame epoch can open a vulnerability in the FjordPoints.sol contract making users earn point without staking for long.


Lead Judging Commences

InAllHonesty Lead Judge
24 days ago
InAllHonesty Lead Judge 21 days ago
Submission Judgement Published
Reason: Incorrect statement

Appeal created

Joshuajee Submitter
21 days ago
InAllHonesty Lead Judge
21 days ago
Joshuajee Submitter
21 days ago
Joshuajee Submitter
21 days ago
Joshuajee Submitter
20 days ago
Joshuajee Submitter
20 days ago
InAllHonesty Lead Judge 18 days ago
Submission Judgement Published
Assigned finding tags:

If epoch end times of FjordStaking and FjordPoints are desynchronized, users will be able to exploit the desynchronization to stake>claim>unstake instantly, getting points they shouldn't

Impact: High - Users are getting an unreasonable amount of points through exploiting a vulnerability Likelihood: Low - Most of the times, when using the script, all deployment tx will get processed in the same block. But, there is a small chance for them to be processed in different blocks.



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