Fjord Token Staking

20,000 USDC
Submission Details
Severity: medium

Auction end time incorrect checking


Lead Judging Commences

InAllHonesty Lead Judge 14 days ago
Submission Judgement Published
Assigned finding tags:

If no bids are placed during the auction, the `auctionToken` will be permanently locked within the `AuctionFactory`

An auction with 0 bids will get the `totalTokens` stuck inside the contract. Impact: High - Tokens are forever lost Likelihood - Low - Super small chances of happening, but not impossible

Appeal created

DemoreXTess Judge
13 days ago
InAllHonesty Lead Judge
13 days ago
InAllHonesty Lead Judge 11 days ago
Submission Judgement Published
Assigned finding tags:

Users can bid in the same block when the actionEnd could be called (`block.timestamp==actionEndTime`), depending on the order of txs in block they could lose funds

The protocol doesn't properly treat the `block.timestamp == auctionEndTime` case. Impact: High - There are at least two possible impacts here: 1. By chance, user bids could land in a block after the `auctionEnd()` is called, not including them in the multiplier calculation, leading to a situation where there are insufficient funds to pay everyone's claim; 2. By malice, where someone can use a script to call `auctionEnd()` + `bid(totalBids)` + `claimTokens()`, effectively depriving all good faith bidders from tokens. Likelihood: Low – The chances of getting a `block.timestamp == auctionEndTime` are pretty slim, but it’s definitely possible.



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