SwanManager::setMarketParameters pushes the new parameters `marketParameters.push(_marketParameters);` After that, when user calls list the protocol computes the round and the phase `(uint256 round, BuyerAgent.Phase phase,) = buyer.getRoundPhase();` Inside the getRoundPhase function you have this if statement on top: `if (marketParams.length == marketParameterIdx + 1) {`. The setMarketParameters call changed the `marketParams` length, thing which will case the first case to be false and run the else statement. At the end of that statement we see there is a new round. So the second element of this check `(getCurrentMarketParameters().maxAssetCount == assetsPerBuyerRound[_buyer][round].length` is zero, because the [round] is fresh.
SwanManager::setMarketParameters pushes the new parameters `marketParameters.push(_marketParameters);` After that, when user calls list the protocol computes the round and the phase `(uint256 round, BuyerAgent.Phase phase,) = buyer.getRoundPhase();` Inside the getRoundPhase function you have this if statement on top: `if (marketParams.length == marketParameterIdx + 1) {`. The setMarketParameters call changed the `marketParams` length, thing which will case the first case to be false and run the else statement. At the end of that statement we see there is a new round. So the second element of this check `(getCurrentMarketParameters().maxAssetCount == assetsPerBuyerRound[_buyer][round].length` is zero, because the [round] is fresh.
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