There is no way to mint more KittyToken inside the Vault, as a result of which soulmates will not be able to claim Airdrop or get staking rewards for them being soulmates or staking amount respectively.
LoveToken is used to represent how much love there is between two soulmates, as mentioned by the protocol.
But when there is no LoveToken, they cannot show their love to the world.
The vulnerability occurs due to fixed total supply of LoveToken, and more LoveToken cannot be minted and soulmates can no longer claim LoveToken.
Soulmates cannot claim LoveToken'
Users will not be able to receive their staking rewards
Manual Review
Admins should be able to mint more LoveToken, when LoveToken becomes scarce.
Barring the sybil attack mentioned in #255 which none of the following issues mentioned, I believe the following issues to be design choice, as it would require 500_000_000 weeks spread across many users, seems sufficient.
It is a valid design choice to restrict staking rewards, so users should be aware about remaining staking rewards before deciding to participate as soulmates. Additionally, withdrawals are not blocked, and any intended rewards are still assigned to users that deserved the rewards based on love tokens staked.
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