


30,000 USDC
Submission Details
Severity: low

Invariant broken: `abortAskOffer` and `closeOffer` refunds the same amount of collateral


Lead Judging Commences

0xnevi Lead Judge 20 days ago
Submission Judgement Published
Assigned finding tags:

[invalid] finding-PreMarkets-abortAskOffer-Canceled exploit

Note, #148, #826, #1784 all stems from the fact that order statuses are not appropriately updated when a taker order is created against a maker offer. If the status is switched to `Ongoing/Filled` respectively, the virgin checks will fail appropriately and subsequently all this issues will be fixed. They could possibly be duplicates, so leaving open for appeal. This actually is closely related to issue #148. If a taker has created an Bid/Ask offer agains a original maker offer and the Status is adjusted to Ongoing/Filled accordingly, then the abortion/cancellations cannot occur so this issue cannot be exploited.

Appeal created

0xbrivan2 Auditor
17 days ago
0xnevi Lead Judge
12 days ago
0xnevi Lead Judge 2 days ago
Submission Judgement Published
Reason: Incorrect statement
Assigned finding tags:

[invalid] finding-PreMarkets-abortAskOffer-Canceled exploit

Note, #148, #826, #1784 all stems from the fact that order statuses are not appropriately updated when a taker order is created against a maker offer. If the status is switched to `Ongoing/Filled` respectively, the virgin checks will fail appropriately and subsequently all this issues will be fixed. They could possibly be duplicates, so leaving open for appeal. This actually is closely related to issue #148. If a taker has created an Bid/Ask offer agains a original maker offer and the Status is adjusted to Ongoing/Filled accordingly, then the abortion/cancellations cannot occur so this issue cannot be exploited.



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